99s Fly-In 2021
Join fellow 99s and Friends for a jam-packed weekend of flying, friendship, forums and fun!

99 Flys In Weather Overview
presented by Scott Dennstaedt and hosted by SiriusXM, Wednesday, September 22rd at 7:00 PM CDT
ZOOM LINK: https://siriusxm.zoom.us/j/91727866400
Yes, September 22nd - mark your calendar. As you prepare to come to the fly-in, Scott will walk you through his flight planning drill-down and highlight areas of potential concern throughout the US.
In the mean time, take a look at Scotts' Pilot Weather book. We will have some available as prizes at the fly-in.
Webinar Log-in details to follow

Part 1 - Does anyone know where I am?
-- IFR flight plan or flight following
-- tell a friend who understands aviation
-- SPOT, or other personal tracker watcher
-- personal epirb
Part 2 - Can I survive until I am rescued? What is in my bag of tricks?
-- who is responsible to grab the bag? Where is it in the plane?
-- food and water
-- shelter
-- fire
-- visibility - lights, whistles, signal mirror
-- first aide
-- comfort - sunblock, mosquito repellent, knives, etc.
Bring your ditch bag. We will all be pulling out our ditch bag items and discussing why we carry each item, unique uses and "must haves". Let's all learn from each other!
What Maintenance can I do?
Blake Sides - Tennessee Aircraft Services will conduct our Maintenance seminar
This class will review the FAA allowance for pilot/owner preventive maintenance but with a strong focus on hands on training. To perform preventive maintenance requires one use the same proper tools and techniques as an FAA certificated mechanics. This class will provide the needed hands on training for torque wrench use, safety wire installation and other basic skills. It'll be a blast.
GO or NO-GO:
Setting Personal Minimums
To Go or Not to Go
Mandi Hill, CFI; Jo Ann Speer, CFI, AGI
Good decision making skills and the judgement to result in the best outcome equal a safe flight. Know your personal limitations and the aircraft's performance limitations. Pre-flight planning - consider the weather and wind and evaluate your airplane and yourself. The decision to fly or not is based on safety - 100% safety is the desired outcome.
Tower of Terror
Join Robert Selph, contract tower controller at KNQA and retired FAA ATC in a funny look at things that controllers and pilots say.

The contest will use the 0700 (1200Z) TAF for KMKL.
The following conditions are required:
Ceiling 2000’ or greater.
Winds with a gust factor of 5 kts up to 20 kts.
Maximum crosswind component of 7 kts.
Visibility greater than 5 sm.
Chance of precipitation less than 30%.
No thunderstorms are forecasted.
The above conditions shall be forecasted for the times between 0900 (1400Z) and 1400 (1900Z).
General Rules:
McKeller-Sipes (Jackson) Airport traffic pattern is left hand for all runways (02, 20, 11 & 29).
All radios shall be set to the appropriate frequencies with the switch in the BOTH position. COM#1: 127.15 Jackson Tower
COM#2: 122.95 UNICOM
Transmit to the TOWER on COM#1 (127.15). Make standard traffic pattern reports over COM#1 to the TOWER. Monitor and be aware of other traffic in the pattern. Transient aircraft likely won’t know what is going on!! Monitor COM#2 for instructions from ground judges.
4. No more than four (4) aircraft in the air at one time.
5. If you are next to fly, please be ready to go at the first available moment.
6. Turn on Landing, Taxi, Beacon, and Strobe lights.
7.In the event of a tie in one of the contests, a fly-off may be conducted at the discretion of the judges.
8. A Flight Instructor must accompany student pilots.
9. A Safety Briefing will be held at 1400 for the spot landing event and the water balloon bombing.
Objective: Make your operations safe, above all else.
If you (or people with you) are on the field watching the event, remain well clear of the runway and taxiways and be aware of aircraft taxiing. Be observant for dangerous situations. Act immediately to correct or prevent a potential hazard from developing.
Assist with loading and unloading the aircraft.
Ensure that all passengers have their safety belts on.
Lock all doors before flight.
Do not engage the starter until someone outside the aircraft clears the propeller area.
Taxi well clear of people on the ground.
Watch your prop blast.
Stay tuned to the appropriate frequencies.
Do NOT be too proud to execute a go-around.
Maintain adequate spacing from other aircraft (in flight and on ground).
Be alert for transient aircraft that may appear without knowing what is going on.
Double check that all switches are OFF when you leave your aircraft.
Enjoy yourself safely, and good luck to the participants.
Spot Landing (think “Landing” first, “Spot” second):
Objective: Total score out of three (3) attempts for a possible total score of 300 points.
Each contestant has three (3) landing attempts. All attempts will be judged and scored. Highest final score wins.
Four (4) landing zones will be marked. All zones will be 75’ long. Zones will be worth the following points: 1=100, 2=75, 3=50 and 4=25 points.
All landings must be made on the main gear first. The landing will be judged where the main gear touches down and remains down. In the event of a crosswind, the landing will be judged where the first main gear touches the ground and remains down using proper crosswind technique. A bounced landing will be scored where the main gear remains down, NOT from the bounce. Touching down prior to Zone 1 is 0 points for the attempt. The landing event will not be conducted when the crosswind component exceeds 7 knots.
Flaps may be used, but once lowered may not be retracted to any lesser position.
Power may be used, but once decreased may not be reapplied.
Landings must be initiated from a standard rectangular pattern. Use ½ mile final, if spacing permits, to keep the contest moving in a timely fashion.
Downwind leg must be at least 1034’ MSL (600’ AGL).
Turn to Final must be completed at least 634’ MSL (200’ AGL).
An attempt progressing onto the final approach to landing will be considered a landing attempt and scored accordingly.
When turning final, call on the TOWER (127.15) with tail number and attempt number.
The judges will score each landing according to the above rules. At the discretion of the judges, an unsafe landing will be cause for forfeiture of any points from that landing attempt.
Water Balloon Bomb Drop:
Objective: Closest drop to the center of the target of two (2) attempts.
Each contestant has two (2) attempts. The attempt closest to the target will be the scoring drop. Team closest to the center of the target wins.
Contestants must compete in pairs. If you do not have a partner, we will pair you with one. The pilot must be a 99 or Friend of the 99s member. The bombardier can be anyone.
No lower than 634’ MSL (200’ AGL) and no slower than 75 knots.
An attempt progressing onto the final approach will be considered a drop attempt and scored accordingly.
When turning final, call on the TOWER (127.15) with tail number and attempt number.
The judges will measure each drop and score the closest attempt according to the above rules. At the discretion of the judges, an unsafe or improperly executed approach or drop will cause forfeiture of that drop attempt.
Aviation Scavenger Hunt
We are bring back an oldie but a goodie. Remember the 90th anniversary scavenger hunt? Well, if you did not get a chance to participate then, here is your opportunity.
1. On your CELL PHONE take photos of each letter in the alphabet a-z and each number 0-9.
2. Put all the scavenger hunt pictures in ONE FOLDER on your phone. ONLY photos in the scavenger hunt folder will be counted.
3. All photos MUST be taken on or after June 1, 2021 - judging at the fly-in. Judging will be Friday evening September 24th at 1930 CDT.
4. No photo-shopping or editing of photos allowed.
5. In the event of a tie, the judges will randomly select the winner from all entries receiving the same highest score.